1. My two favourite past times are playing with dogs and dancing around my house in my underwear…usually to Madonna, Spice Girls, or Janet Jackson.
2. My mother is my best friend.
3. My favourite band of all time is a-Ha.
4. I am obsessed with my eyebrows – if they get messed up, I immediately have to brush them back into place.
5. My three favourite foods are French fries, vegetables, and chocolate.
6. When I watch TV, everything must be quiet and still.
7. As a nine year-old, I was told by a European Official that I would “be the next Audrey Hepburn.” I smiled politely, said, “thank you,” and then asked my peers who she was.
8. All cans and bottles in my cabinets face forward and are in exact rows. My OCD is blatant.
9. I believe Canines to be sacred.
10. My most prized possession is my name; I was named after both of my grandmothers who coincidently shared the same name.